
22. - 25. May 2014 - Deurne (BE)

These news items are archives whose formatting has not been adapted to the new site
22. - 25. May 2014 - Deurne (BE)
Under responsibility of sports director Louis Mason, was played the EC free game U 21.
In billiards center Rene Vingerhoedt, were 10 players active from 6 different nations.
The local favorit Andy de Bondt, Adam Baca from Czech Republic and the Dutch players
Sam van Etten and Ferry Jong had qualified for the semifinal. Adam Baca defeated
Andy de Bondt and Ferry Jong defeated Sam van Etten in 3 innings. The Final was a prey
by Ferry Jong. He won in 2 innings from Adam Baca, the only player, who played a match
in 1 inning, this tournament.
Congratulations to Ferry Jong, with the title European Champion Free game U 21. Congratulations to the organisation of this great event.


