CEB Board takes this opportunity to express the deepest condolences to the Turkish people and to the Turkish Billiard Federation for the catastrophic eartquake that hit the region. We are very saddened and we express our solidarity to all the people involved in this tragic event. The region affected lies about 700 km east from Antalya and two months are yet to pass before the ECs. At this moment we don't have any information that would impact on the regular conduction of the European Championships.
Antalya European Championships: The large majority and the main ECs that will take place in Antalya have been fully registered, some of them are largely overbooked. Only in few of the championships we did not reach the maximum number of registrations, this is specially true for small tables competitions. For this reason we are forced to change some formats, the time table will be updated accordingly without changing the scheduled start and end of each competition; here below the new formats:
- European Championship Individual 3C ST: 27 participants- 3 groups of 5 and 3 groups of 4, 6 group winners and 2 best seconds will advance to quarter finals. The selection of the best seconds qualified to quarter finals will be made according to the general average. Match points will not be used for the general classifications.
- European Championship Clubs 3C ST: 17 participants- 1 group of 5 and 3 groups of 4, first two of each group will advance to quarter finals. Match points and set points will not be used for the quarter finals entry ranking and for the general classifications. In quarter finals group winners will be number 1-4 and group seconds will be number 5-8, listed according to the team general average.
- European Championship 3C Ladies National Teams: 10 teams participants- 1 group of 4 and 2 groups of 3, 3 group winners and the best second will advance to semi finals. The selection of the best second qualified to semi finals will be made according to the team general average. Match points and set points will not be used for the semi finals entry ranking and for the general classifications. In semi finals group winners will be number 1-3 and the best second qualified will be number 4. Semi finals will be played 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3.
- European Championship Free Game Ladies: this championship is canceled. The minimum required of 8 registrations from 5 federations was not reached.
Clarifications on the conditions of the access to the hotel: On 31 August it was published via the CEB News and officially communicated to the federations the entry fees for those not staying in the Pine Belek Hotel: Fee (entry) 50 €, extra breakfast 20 €, extra lunch 25 €, extra dinner 25 €. After recent discussions with the hotel management it has been possible to achieve improvements. There are now two options for players:
V1 = The 50 € daily fee includes "coffee break" (Coffee, tea, water, cookies and fruits) in the tournament venue (B-complex), soft drinks in the entire hotel complex including the outdoor terrace as well as breakfast and lunch.
V2 = The 50 € daily fee includes "coffee break" (Coffee, tea, water, cookies and fruits) in the tournament venue, soft drinks in the entire hotel complex including the outdoor terrace and dinner.
This arrangements could also be achieved for spectators from outside the hotel complex. Free entry to the EC's for spectators is included in the daily fees.
No parking fees will be charged.
For accreditation, it was achieved that players have 1 hour to get accredited without paying the 50 €. However, the hotel has pointed out that this will be controlled.
CEB reminds that the rooms in the Pine Belek Hotel can be easily reserved using the TBF booking form.
TBF online booking form:
Reservation mail address for officials:
Coupe d'Europe 3-Cushion (Portugal): according to the request of the organizer (FC PORTO) the date has been changed. The new date is 4th to 9th July 2023.
Longoni Next Gen Grand Prix 3-Cushion U21 (Italy): the registrations are open on CEB website. The deadline is March 1st.
Euroyouth Longoni Next Gen 2023 (Italy): registrations on CEB website will be opened on February 13th. The deadline is March 24th.
Coupe d'Europe Classic (France): we remind that the deadline for the registrations is February 17th.