
Victory for Xavier Fonellosa (ES)

These news items are archives whose formatting has not been adapted to the new site
Victory for Xavier Fonellosa (ES)
The « Société des Amateurs de Billard de Marseille » organized from October 8th to 11th the Euro Grand Prix of Billard Artistique, a competition in which a total amount of 29 players took part in, and 13 of who belonged to the French federation, 6 belonged to the Spanisch, 3 to the Belgian, 3 to the Dutch, 3 to the Turkisch and 1 who belonged to the Austrian.The same organizers already celebrated a Grand Prix of Billard Artistique in Marseille in January 2014.Once the prelimirary round was done, it came the final round which incluted 16 players.The final match was between the Spanish player Xavier Fonellosa and the Turkish Serdar Gümüs. Finally, the Spanish player won for a 3-1 result.  Thus, the first position corresponds to Spanish Xavier Fonellosa, the second to Turkish Serdar Gümüs, and the third place was the French Jean Reverchon and the Belgian Walter Bax.

Congratulations to Xavier Fonellosa.

There are some aspects that should be highlighted in the competition Detailed results are available at http://www.ciba-online.net.


