World Championship 3C National Teams

By National Federation to CEB.
Nations reference ranking: European Championship 3C Nat. Teams 2020 - Antalya
Spain - Turkey - France - Denmark - Belgium - The Netherlands - Greece - Sweden - Czech Rep. - Italy - Austria - Germany - Portugal - Switzerland - Croatia.
6 places for CEB Federations + Seeded Nations (Turkey, Germany).
Each Federation has the right to present one team. No B-Teams are allowed.
Kindly register teams with reserve players.
In case of needs of Invitation Letters/Visa kindly request to UMB/Organizer as soon as possible.
Consult UMB General Information for Entry Procedures/Visa/Covid procedures.
Although the risk of cancellation of these events, in these COVID-19 times, is almost neglectable, CEB nor the organizers assume any liability and cannot be held responsible for any costs or damages, concerning the booking of flights and accommodation or other, related to the participation to these events. It is the sole responsibility of the traveler/participant to be properly insured.
Turkey (World Champion)
Germany (Organizing Federation)
Airport: Düsseldorf Distance 25 km to Hotel
Transfer: By Train Station Mönchengladbach
Use this form for reservations: Hotel Reservations
Hotel Reservation deadline is 4th February, 2022. Kindly strictly respect the deadline and reserve rooms using the published forms.